Thursday, January 26, 2017

Banter: Elimination Diet Day 11

As of today I have lost 5 kilograms. That’s 5kg that I couldn't have dreamed of budging before I started this diet.

I lost 4kg in my first week, so weight loss has slowed down in this second week; I am still losing an amount every single day. I keep waiting to step on the scales one morning and discover that I have gained again, but thankfully so far this hasn't happened.

It has gotten much easier to stick to the food plan, though I do still feel hungry most of the time. It isn't a nauseating hunger like I am used to, but it would be nice if the feeling would go away all the same.

Surprisingly, the thing I am missing the most is tea with sugar and milk. I rarely drink it anyway now in favour of coffee, but I wish I could have a good cuppa at least once a day. The weight just keeps dropping off though, so while that happens I have the confidence to stick it out.

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